On the weekend of 9th June last, we welcomed at all our Masses the Sisters of Saint Elisabeth Convent, Bellarus. The Sisters minister to a psychiatric hospital in Bellarus. They had a number of religious items for sale to support their ministry. They were delighted with the response of the Shannon community and have written the following letter of thanks!
Dear Father Arnold and all parishioners of the Parish, We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for kindly granting us permission to visit your parish. We heartily thank the Lord for your and your parishioners’ hospitality and precious help during the visit of our sisters. We do appreciate all your efforts, concern, assistance and kindheartedness greatly. Our sisters are incredibly grateful for the donation collected in your parish which will allow us to continue our outreach services and programs for orphanage children with phycophysical deficiencies, for people who were led astray by the rough and tumble of life (the homeless, drug and alcohol addicts, ex-prisoners and the less able) including food, shelter and clothing distribution. Let us assure you that you are always welcome here at St. Elisabeth Convent.With deep gratitude and love in Christ,
Sister Anna and Sister Fotina.