We are delighted to announce the return of Sunday Masses: Here is the Schedule from 3rd to 19th July. Due to uncertainty regarding our Irish weather, all Masses will be indoor.
When you attend any of the scheduled Masses, you are fulfilling your Sunday Obligation. Weekday Masses will not be celebrated in public during this time.
SS John and Paul Church
Friday at 7pm
Saturday at 6.30pm
Sunday at 10am
Sunday at 12.15pm
Mary Immaculate Church
Saturday at 12noon
Sunday at 9am
Sunday at 11am
Please be conscious of restricted numbers indoors. We also ask you respect social distancing and be guided by the stewards.
- Stewards will be present to assist and ensure health and safety and guide you for the reception of Holy Communion, which will be distributed at the end of Mass.
- We ask everyone to use the hand sanitizers at the doors on entering and exiting.
- At all Sunday Masses collections will be taken up at the usual times. Baskets will be fitted with extension poles, so as to avoid the passing of the basket between parishioners.
- Toilet facilities will NOT be available during Masses.
- We wish to reassure you that many of the measures introduced are there to ensure your safety. This is a new experience for us all, and if some things need changing we will do so.
- We take this opportunity to thank you for continuing to connect with us. We look forward to having your company for Masses. To all the volunteers whose support permits us to resume Masses, we thank you! Fr. Arnie PP