Samaritans – bringing hope to life.
Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation, loneliness and despair. Every six seconds Samaritans respond to a call for help. Available to anyone 24/7 by phone, email, before, during and after a crisis and can be contacted from any phone on 116 123. Samaritans, Ennis, are located at ‘Sunville’, Kilrush Road, Ennis, for face-to-face visits between 10am-10pm daily. In order to fund this incredible service, they depend on public funding and will hold a Church gate collection this weekend in our Parish to help defray costs. Please be as generous as you possibly can. We thank the many volunteers (many from our own Parish) who give so generously of their time and talents to help others.
“There is no greater loan than a sympathetic ear!”