One of the impacts of Covid is a rise in the ‘ amount of screen’ time. Finding ourselves spending more time looking ‘down’ than looking’ up’. This is especially worrying for children. Please check out these useful Websites with resources for keeping our children safe online. Office for internet Safety; Webwise; That’s not cool; Think you know; Net lingo; Translate it; Laya Healthcare Online Safety; Screen Time app; Connect Safely; Google Family Safety Centre; PEGI Rating System; Kid Rex (safe search); YouTube Policy & safety; ICIA’S Parents Guide to Mobile Phones Irish Mobile Phone Operators Code of Practice.
(courtesy of Dr Maureen Griffin)
Prayer for Safeguarding:
Lord Jesus, Hear our voices as we pray for your care and protection. Strengthen and guide us as we strive to make our Catholic communities a safe place for all. We especially ask that the children and vulnerable adults you entrust to our care are protected. Give us the wisdom and courage to listen with open hearts, see with open eyes, and speak out to ensure children and vulnerable adults are safe, loved, respected, and cared for. May we also pray for those who have been harmed. Give them the courage to seek the truth and to heal. Lord, you call us to walk with integrity in the service of others. May we all strive to understand our collective responsibility to work together to safeguard our Catholic communities. Guide us as we build a community that fosters everyone to flourish and be safe. We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen