We are delighted to announce that Public Masses have resumed this week in our Parish!
The following Mass Schedule applies up to January 8th 2021.
Weekday Masses
10am Mary Immaculate Church and 7pm SS John and Paul Church
Sunday Masses
SS John and Paul Church – Friday 7pm, Saturday 6.30pm, Sunday 10am and 12.15pm
Mary Immaculate Church – Saturday 12noon, Sunday 9am and 11am.
Tuesday Dec 8th – Immaculate Conception of BVM
Vigil Mass on Monday 7th December at 7pm in SS John & Paul Church.
8th December: 9am, 11am in Mary Immaculate Church & 12.15pm & 7pm in SS John & Paul Church.
Please note there will be special Masses for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and full Christmas period. Full details will be announced shortly.
We ask that everyone attending Mass will wear a mask, respect social spacing, and use the sanitisers on entry and exit.
Welcome back everyone and God bless you!