The present Sunday Mass arrangements will remain in place for the moment. Weekday Masses will continue to be broadcast on the webcam and social media feeds.
SS John & Paul Church: Friday: 7pm, Saturday: 6.30pm, Sunday: 10am, 12.15pm
Mary Immaculate Church: Saturday: 12 noon, Sunday: 9am, 11am
We thank the Stewards, Sanitisers, and everyone who very kindly volunteer their services at each Mass to ensure everything goes smoothly. We thank all who exercise ministry at our Masses. We would also ask you to be mindful of social distancing outside of the Churches before and after each Mass. Only two intentions per Mass are taken to ensure that numbers are within safe guidelines. Weekday Masses are paused for the moment. We ask that you wear a mask to Mass from this weekend. Thank you to all who help out in these strange times as we do all that is necessary to keep our community safe and well.