
First Anniversary Mass – Brenda Collins R.I.P

Published on February 18, 2020

First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated for the late Brenda Collins, Moy Park, on Saturday 22nd February at 12 noon in Mary Immaculate Church. Sadly missed by her family and friends. Mass will also be celebrated for Nathan Hough-Lawlor.

Months Mind Mass – Martin O’Shea R.I.P

Published on February 18, 2020

Months Mind Mass for the late Martin O’Shea, Purcell Park, will be celebrated on Sunday 23rd February at 11am in Mary Immaculate Church. Sadly missed by family, neighbours and large circle of friends.

Parish Office Bookings

Published on February 15, 2020

We are blessed to have a parish office which is opened on Tuesday and Wednesday and half day Thursday.  We ask that all bookings for Masses, baptisms, weddings and general queries be done through the office.  Your weekly contribution support the office at the service of you our parishioner and visitor.

Lent 2020

Published on February 15, 2020

Lent will begin with Ash Wednesday on February 26th.  A full list of Masses for Lent will be published in next week’s newsletter and social media feeds. Trocaire boxes will be made available before Lent to our school children and also at the entrances to our Church’s.  Do give some thought to what you might…

Mass of Healing and Anointing

Published on February 15, 2020

We look forward to welcoming Bishop Fintan who will celebrate the 12.15pm Mass this weekend (Feb 16th) which will also be an opportunity for parishioners to receive the oils of healing and strength.  A special welcome to those who are sick and unwell and who might be able to make it.  All are welcome!

Parish Faith Formation Appeal

Published on February 15, 2020

At all weekend Masses next week (Feb 22/23) we will be inviting parishioners to support the second collection for Parish Faith Formation.  This is an investment for and into the future training and formation of laity for leadership roles in our parish.  We thank you in anticipation of your support to this appeal which will…

Masses for Mid-Term Break

Published on February 11, 2020

Morning Mass for mid-term break (Feb 17th to 21st) will be celebrated in Mary Immaculate Church at 10am.  The 10am Adoration Chapel Mass will be paused for the week, and will resume on Monday February 24th.  The Adoration Chapel will be opened for Adoration only.

First Confessions

Published on February 5, 2020

First Confessions for: St. Senan’s & St. John’s Schools takes place Tuesday evening 11th February at 7pm in Mary Immaculate Church and on Wednesday 12th February at 7pm for St. Conaire’s School in SS John & Paul Church.

First Anniversary Mass – Teresa Hayes R.I.P

Published on February 5, 2020

First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated for the late Teresa Hayes, Cul na Greine, Shannon & Sixmilebridge, on Saturday 15th February at 6.30pm in SS John & Paul Church. Sadly missed by her family, neighbours and friends.

Months Mind Mass – John Bullman R.I.P

Published on January 30, 2020

Months Mind Mass for the late John Bullman, Tradaree Court, will be celebrated Saturday evening 1st February at 6.30pm in SS John & Paul Church. Sadly missed by his family and friends.