
First Anniversary Mass – Ollie Allen R.I.P.

Published on June 6, 2024

First Anniversary Mass for the late Ollie Allen, Cill Chais, will be celebrated this Sunday 9th of June at 11am in Mary Immaculate Church.  Ollie is dearly missed and always remembered by his family and by all who knew him.  In God’s Peace may Ollie Rest.

Month’s Mind Mass – Margaret Canny R.I.P.

Published on June 6, 2024

Month’s Mind Mass for the late Margaret Canny, Finian Park, will be celebrated this Saturday 8th of June at 6.30pm in SS John and Paul Church.  Margaret is fondly remembered and deeply missed by her family, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.  May God grant Margaret rest.

First Anniversary Mass – John Meaney Jr.

Published on May 30, 2024

First Anniversary Mass for the late John Meaney Jr. Kincora Apartments, will be celebrated this Sunday, June 2nd at 12.15 in SS John and Paul Church. John is dearly remembered and always missed by his family and by all who knew him.  May God grant John rest.

Exam Mass for Students – Friday 31st of May

Published on May 28, 2024

This Friday the 31st of May, Mass at 7pm is being offered for all Junior Cert and Leaving Cert Students. You are all welcome to join us in this time of prayer.

Summer Graveyard Masses

Published on May 28, 2024
The Annual Graveyard Masses will take place at 7pm on the following dates:
Lemenagh Cemetery, this evening, Tuesday May 28th.
Illuanmanagh Cemetery, Thursday June 6th.

First Anniversary Mass – Kathleen Logan R.I.P.

Published on May 23, 2024

First Anniversary Mass for the late Kathleen Logan, Finian Park will be celebrated this Sunday 26th of May at 12.15pm in SS John and Paul Church. Kathleen is sadly missed and forever loved by her family and by all who knew her.  May Kathleen rest easy in grace and love.

Month’s Mind Mass – Patrick Keville R.I.P.

Published on May 23, 2024

Month’s Mind Mass for the late Patrick Keville, Drumgeely Hill, will be celebrated this Saturday 25th of May at 12 noon in Mary Immaculate Church.  Patrick is fondly remembered and deeply missed by all his family and friends.  May Patrick rest with the Angels.

Change of Mass time – Friday May 24th

Published on May 22, 2024

Morning Mass this Friday, 24th of May will be celebrated at 9.30am in Mary Immaculate Church

Month’s Mind Mass – Bridie Malone R.I.P.

Published on May 16, 2024

Month’s Mind Mass for the late Bridie Malone, Limerick will be celebrated this Sunday the 19th of May at 10am in SS John and Paul Church.  Bridie is deeply missed by her family and by all who knew her.  May the light of Heaven shine on her, O Lord.

Please Note

Published on May 10, 2024
There is no Mass tomorrow, Saturday 11th of May in Mary Immaculate Church at 12 noon.