
First Anniversary Mass – Margaret (Peggy) O’Shaughnessy

Published on September 23, 2021

First Anniversary Mass for the late Margaret (Peggy) O’Shaughnessy, Cluain Airne, will be celebrated this Saturday 25th September at 6.30pm in SS John & Paul Church. Margaret, who passed away on 2nd October 2020 is sadly missed by her family, neighbours and friends. May she rest in God’s eternal peace.

First Anniversary Mass – John Kelly R.I.P

Published on September 15, 2021

First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated for the late John Kelly, Cronan Lawn, on Sunday 26th September at 12.15pm in SS John & Paul Church. John passed away on September 26th, 2020. He is sadly missed by his family, neighbours and a large circle of friends. May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Months Mind Mass – Hugh Campbell R.I.P

Published on September 15, 2021

Months Mind Mass will be celebrated for the late Hugh Campbell, late of Finian Park & Ratoath, Co. Meath, on Friday 24th September at 7pm in SS John & Paul Church. Very sadly missed by his family, neighbours and friends. May Hugh’s gentle soul rest with God.

Shannon: Public Consultation on Grassland Amenity Biodiversity Action Plan

Published on September 14, 2021

Shannon Tidy Towns are inviting residents of Shannon to attend a public consultation on the 15th September by zoom. This will be the 2nd opportunity to attend and we are really hoping we get as many residents as possible to take part!   We really need representatives from each of the main areas of Shannon, as…

Second Collection for Retired and Sick Priests 17-19 September

Published on September 9, 2021

The second collection at all masses on the weekend of September 17th to 19th is to support Bishop Fintan to care for the increasing number of sick and retired priests in the diocese.  Some of these priests have given many years of service to the diocese and need care as they come to the final…

Reflections from Bishop Fintan on the upcoming Synod

Published on September 9, 2021

Great anticipation of the Synod, Communion, Participation, Mission

Statement of Bishop Fintan Monahan welcoming the beginning of the Process in Preparation for the upcoming Synod

I wholeheartedly welcome the Preparatory Documents for the Synod on the theme of Communion Participation and Mission which we received from Rome yesterday.…

Blessings and joy on our Holy Communion children!

Published on September 8, 2021

Congratulations to all our Primary Schools children who will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion over the weekend. This is such a welcome time after dates have had to be changed because of the pandemic. Care is still very much needed and with the increase in case numbers we would ask everyone to adhere to…

Months Mind Mass – Leonie Quish R.I.P

Published on September 7, 2021

Months Mind Mass will be celebrated for the late Leonie Quish, Ros Silin, on Sunday 12th September at 12.15pm in SS John & Paul Church. Leonie is very sadly missed by her family, neighbours and a large circle of friends. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Upcoming First Communion Ceremonies

Published on September 1, 2021

With the government announcement to increase Church capacity from September 6th regarding upcoming First Communion ceremonies, those who will be admitted to the ceremonies will be the immediate family bubble and grandparents only. Masks and sanitising of hands are mandatory for all adults. Our schools will inform parents of this arrangement.
Every blessing to…

Second Collections for remainder of 2021

Published on September 1, 2021

The following second collections will take place on dates specified for the remainder of the year. We would ask that no other collections take place on these dates and thank you, as always, for the continued support you offer to our Parish:

September 17-19 (Second collection for the Retired and Sick Priests of the diocese)