
A Thank You From Teresa!

Published on March 2, 2022

After  17 years of Parish Office life, today I bid a very fond farewell to all the very many people I have come to know and love as Parish Secretary over those years. It takes many people to make a vibrant parish like ours – committed clergy, an energetic Parish Sister, hardworking sacristans, the housekeeper…

Women’s World Day of Prayer

Published on February 24, 2022

Women’s World Day of Prayer 2022 will be celebrated on Sunday March 6th at 3pm in Mary Immaculate Church.  All are welcome.

Online Lenten Reflection/Meditation

Published on February 24, 2022

On Thursday March 3rd there will be an Online Lenten Celebration broadcast on the webcam and Facebook from SS John and Paul Church.  You can access the event on the following links



Second Collection This Weekend

Published on February 23, 2022

There will be a second collection this weekend 25th-27th of February to support Parish Ministries into the future.  Your contribution will be very much appreciated.

Months Mind Mass – Nancy Burke R.I.P

Published on February 23, 2022

Months Mind Mass will be celebrated for the late Nancy Burke on Sunday 27th February at 12.15pm in SS John & Paul Church. Nancy is very much missed by her family, neighbours and a large circle of friends. May Nancy rest in God’s eternal peace.

First Anniversary Mass – Tom Ryan R.I.P

Published on February 23, 2022

First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated for the late Tom Ryan, Cronan Grove, on Sunday 27th February at 12.15pm in SS John & Paul Church. Tom, who died on 23rd February 2021 is sadly missed by his family, neighbours and a large circle of friends. May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Synodal Pathway Questionnaire

Published on February 23, 2022

Shannon Parish

Dear Parishioner/Friend,

Greetings from Shannon Parish.  We are writing because Pope Francis wants to hear from you about what is happening in your local parish.  He would like to know what you think we should all be doing to make our parish much better.  He has proposed what is called a ‘Synodal Pathway’…

Ash Wednesday and Lent 2022

Published on February 17, 2022

Schedule of Parish Masses for Ash Wednesday and the Season of Lent.

Lectio Divina begins March 8th

Trocaire boxes will be available from both Church’s


New Parish Office Hours

Published on February 17, 2022

New Parish Office Hours effective from March 1st

Tuesday to Friday 10am-1pm; 2-5pm


We look forward to seeing you!

Parish Second Collection

Published on February 17, 2022

The next Parish Second Collection at our weekend Masses will be taken up on the last weekend of February (25-27th). Thanks to your generosity this enables us support parish pastoral projects into the future.

The Parish Second Collection for the Diocesan Education Fund taken up on St Patrick’s Day will be transferred to the last…