
Volunteers Needed

Published on June 16, 2022

We are looking for volunteers to assist us in extending Adoration hours of devotion in the Adoration Chapel, please contact Jimmy Morris or Michael McPhillips if you are interested. We are also looking for people to deliver Parish correspondence.  If you would like to be part of a team to deliver in your area, please…

Priests’ Summer Collection

Published on June 16, 2022

Priests’ Summer Collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend,  June 17-19th.  This is the second of four collections throughout the year and we thank you for your great support.  Envelopes have been distributed and are available in both Church’s.  You can also donate online on the donate button of the website

Month’s Mind – Michael O’Halloran R.I.P

Published on June 16, 2022

Month’s Mind Mass for the late Michael O’Halloran, Tullyvarraga Crescent, will be celebrated on Sunday 19th of June at 12.15pm in SS John & Paul Church. Michael is sadly missed by his family and by all who knew him.  May Michael rest in God’s Peace.

Month’s Mind Mass – John Kelly R.I.P.

Published on June 8, 2022

Month’s Mind Mass will take place for the late John Kelly, Cronan Lawn, on Sunday 12th of June at 12.15pm in SS John and Paul Church.  John is sadly missed and always remembered by his family, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.  May John rest with God in His eternal peace.

Month’s Mind Mass – Eddie Riordan R.I.P.

Published on June 8, 2022

Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated for the late Eddie Riordan, Tullyglass Court on Saturday 11th of June at 6.30pm in SS John and Paul Church. Eddie is sadly missed and always remembered by his family and by all who knew him.  May he rest in God’s peace.

Mission Appeal for the Holy Ghost Missions 2022

Published on June 4, 2022

Every year a missionary order are invited into the diocese for a mission appeal.  This year we welcome the Holy Ghost Missionaries (Spiritans)  who will visit the Tradaree Pastoral Area of Shannon, Newmarket and Sixmilebridge on the weekend of June 24-26th.  On that weekend there will be a retiring collection as you leave Mass to…

Month’s Mind – Jerry Walsh R.I.P

Published on June 2, 2022

Month’s Mind Mass for Jerry Walsh will be celebrated on Saturday 4th of June at 6.30pm in SS John & Paul Church. Jerry is sadly missed by all his family and by all who knew him.  May Jerry rest in God’s Peace.

Best of luck Exam Students!

Published on June 2, 2022

This Wednesday, sees the start of this year’s Leaving Cert and Junior Cert Exams. It is an anxious time for students and families especially in these challenging times. May God’s guidance be with all students during their exams. We will be remembering them in all our Masses in the coming days.

Prayer for Exam Students

Vetting and Safeguarding

Published on June 2, 2022

Any parishioner who brings communion to a neighbour or friend must undergo safeguarding vetting from the Parish. If you are such a parishioner, please contact the sacristans or parish office.  The only exemption is if a parishioner takes communion to a family member.

Feast of Saint Anthony – June 13th

Published on June 2, 2022

We look forward to welcoming Fr. Pascal from the Franciscan Friary in Ennis who will celebrate the 10am Novena Mass in honour of Saint Anthony on Monday June 13th in Mary Immaculate Church.  We also have a tradition of inviting parishioners to donate lilies for this Mass.  You are welcome to bring your lilies along…