
First Anniversary Mass – Dermot Dunne R.I.P.

Published on October 13, 2022

First Anniversary Mass for the late Dermot Dunne, The Grove, will be celebrated on Friday 14th of October  at 7pm in SS John and Paul Church. Dermot will always be remembered and sorely missed by all his family and friends.  Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.

Prayer for the Tragedy in Creeslough

Published on October 11, 2022

Lord, we pray for those who have been devastated by recent tragedies especially the People of Creeslough and surrounding parishes.  We remember those who have lost their lives so suddenly.

We hold in our hearts the families forever changed by grief and loss.  Bring them consolation and comfort.  Surround them with our prayers and strength. …

Parish Accounts 2019 -2021

Published on October 6, 2022

Please find printed the published accounts for Shannon Parish for the years 2019 to 2021 inclusive.  We thank you for your tremendous support particularly during lockdown.  As you can see your donations have gone to the different categories of Parish life.  Please note 2019 Tax Rebate figure will be included in the 2022 Accounts.  I…

Month’s Mind Mass – Ann McDonnell R.I.P.

Published on October 6, 2022

Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated for the late Ann McDonnell, Aidan Park on Friday the 7th of October at 7pm  in SS John and Paul Church.  Ann will always be remembered and sadly missed by her family and friends.  May the light of Heaven shine on her, O Lord.

First Anniversary Mass – Thomas Halpin R.I.P

Published on September 29, 2022

First Anniversary Mass for the late Thomas Halpin, Ballycaseymore Hill, will be celebrated on Sunday 2nd of October  at 12.15pm in SS John and Paul Church. Thomas is sadly missed and remembered with love by all his family and friends.  May he Rest in God’s Peace.

Special Church Collection Dates 2023

Published on September 22, 2022

Special Church Collection dates in Shannon Parish for 2023

will be taken up on the following dates:

23rd–25th December 2022        Priest’s Christmas collection

4th-6th January 2023                 The Epiphany

27th-29th January 2023            Diocesan Administration Appeal

24th-26th February 2023          Parish Faith Formation Appeal

17th March 2023                       St. Patrick’s Day

24th-26th March 2023              Diocesan Education…

Month’s Mind Mass – Luisa Viesca R.I.P.

Published on September 21, 2022

Month’s Mind Mass for Luisa Viesca will be celebrated on Sunday 25th of September at 12.15pm in SS John and Paul Church. Luisa is sadly missed by her loving family and friends.  May her gentle soul Rest In Peace.

First Confession, First Communion & Confirmation Dates for 2023

Published on September 9, 2022
We are pleased to announce First Confessions, First Communions and Confirmations Ceremony Dates for 2023 in our Parish:
Monday January 23rd for St. Aidan’s at 7pm in…

Month’s Mind Mass – May Vallely R.I.P

Published on September 9, 2022

Month’s Mind Mass for May Vallely will be celebrated on Saturday 10th of September at 6.30pm in SS John and Paul Church. May is sadly missed by all her family and by all who knew her.  May her gentle soul Rest In Peace.

Good Luck all Leaving Cert Students!

Published on September 2, 2022

We would like to wish all students receiving their Leaving Certificate results today the very best. We pray that God will bless them on the road ahead as they face new adventures and challenges.

God, may your presence be felt as students receive exam results today.   

Help them to stay calm as they…