
Month’s Mind Mass – Michael Maguire R.I.P.

Published on February 21, 2023

Month’s Mind Mass for the late Michael Maguire, Ard na Greine will be celebrated this Sunday 26th of February at 10am in SS John and Paul Church. Michael is dearly missed and remembered with love by all his family and friends.  May he Rest in God’s Peace.

First Anniversary Mass – Mary Corry R.I.P.

Published on February 21, 2023

First Anniversary Mass for the late Mary Corry, will be celebrated this Sunday the 26th of February at 11am in Mary Immaculate Church.  Mary is sadly missed by all her family and friends.  May she Rest in Peace.

Ash Wednesday Mass Times

Published on February 21, 2023

Join us for Ash Wednesday with Distribution of Ashes at the following Mass times:

10am Mary Immaculate Church

1pm Adoration Chapel

7pm SS John and Paul Church

Trocaire Boxes are also available from the Church and Parish Office.

Shannon Senior Citizens AGM

Published on February 16, 2023

The Shannon Senior Citizens AGM will take place on Wednesday March 1st at 3pm in 9 Purcell Park.  All are welcome to attend. Failte isteach!

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Published on February 16, 2023

An emergency collection to support the Turkey-Syria Appeal will take place next weekend 24th– 26th of February. As a result, the second collection that was scheduled is suspended.  Please give what you can.

St. Anthony’s Brief

Published on February 10, 2023

A limited number of St Anthony’s Brief are available to take away at the shrines and front doors of both Church’s. Donation of €2 in support of the missions. Thank you for your support.

Month’s Mind Mass – Olive Crowley R.I.P.

Published on February 3, 2023

The Month’s Mind Mass for the late Olive Crowley, Cluain Airne will be celebrated this Sunday the 5th of February at 12.15pm in SS John and Paul Church.  Olive is dearly missed by all her family and friends.  May she rest in peace and rise in glory

First Anniversary Mass – Robert (Bob) Stackpoole R.I.P.

Published on February 3, 2023

First Anniversary Mass for the late Robert (Bob) Stackpoole, Carrig Lia, will be celebrated this Saturday 4th of February at 6.30pm in SS John and Paul Church. Robert will always be remembered and sorely missed by all his family and friends.  May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Month’s Mind Mass – Michael McKenna

Published on February 3, 2023

Month’s Mind Mass for the late Michael McKenna, Cill Chais, Shannon and Broadford will be celebrated this Saturday the 4th of February at 12 noon in Mary Immaculate Church.  Michael is sadly missed and remembered with love by all his family and friends. Give him rest, O Lord and may your light shine on him…

Month’s Mind Mass – Mary O’Halloran R.I.P.

Published on January 26, 2023

Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated for the late Mary O’Halloran, Cahercalla and Shannon on Sunday the 29th of December at 11am  in Mary Immaculate Church.  Mary is dearly remembered and always missed by her family and friends.  May the light of Heaven shine on her, O Lord.