
First Anniversary Mass – John Kelly R.I.P.

Published on May 11, 2023

First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated for the late John Kelly, Cronan Lawn this Sunday the 14th of May at 12.15pm in SS John and Paul Church. John is dearly missed and forever loved by his family and friends.  Give him rest, O Lord and may your gentle light shine on him forever.

First Anniversary Mass – Eddie Riordan R.I.P.

Published on May 11, 2023

First Anniversary Mass will take place for the late Eddie Riordan, Tullyglass Court, on Saturday 13th of May at 6.30pm in SS John and Paul Church.  Eddie is sadly missed and fondly remembered by his family and a wide circle of friends.  May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Killaloe Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage

Published on May 11, 2023

The Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes from Shannon Airport takes place this year from Tuesday 28th June to Sunday 3rd July and will be led by Bishop Fintan. The cost is €809 and is is a fully escorted pilgrimage, including:

• Direct return flight from Shannon to Lourdes
• Airport transfers and assistance between Lourdes…

Month’s Mind Mass – Noreen McHugh R.I.P.

Published on May 5, 2023

Month’s Mind Mass for the late Noreen McHugh, Cul na Greine, will be celebrated this Sunday the 7th of May at 10am in SS John and Paul Church.  Noreen is sadly missed and fondly remembered by all her family and friends. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord

First Anniversary Mass – Frank McHugh R.I.P.

Published on May 4, 2023

First Anniversary Mass for the late Frank McHugh , will be celebrated this Sunday 7th of May  at 10am in SS John and Paul Church. Frank is sadly missed and remembered with love by all his family and friends.  May he Rest in God’s Peace.

First Anniversary Mass – Jerry (Der) Walsh R.I.P.

Published on May 4, 2023

First Anniversary Mass for the late Jerry (Der) Walsh, Blarney and Ard na Greine, will be celebrated this Saturday 6th of May at 6.30pm in SS John and Paul Church. Jerry is sorely missed and deeply loved by all his family and friends.  May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Safeguarding Month of May

Published on April 28, 2023

During our safeguarding month in the Diocese, we ask you to keep in your prayers those affected by abuse, violence and war. Using the words  of Khalil Gibran ‘Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.’ 

The Diocesan Adult safeguarding Policy (adults at risk of abuse) is available on the…

Year of Vocation

Published on April 28, 2023

This Sunday is a day of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood. It is also the beginning of a year of Prayer for Vocations.  It is an invitation for families to be thankful for the gift of the Eucharist and we encourage all families to pray for Vocations.  Further information can be received in the…

First Anniversary Mass – Ananias Formacion

Published on April 28, 2023

The First Anniversary Mass for Ananias Formacion will take place this Sunday 30th of April at 12.15 in SS John & Paul Church.  Ananias is sadly missed and remembered with love by family and friends.  May Ananias Rest in God’s peace.

First Anniversary Mass – Tess Barry R.I.P.

Published on April 27, 2023

First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated for the late Tess Barry RIP, Fearnog, Tullyglass, on Sunday the 30th of April at 12.15pm in SS John and Paul Church. Tess’s family and friends were blessed to have such a special person in their lives. Ní bheidh a leithéid ann…