Dear friends and parishioners,
On Monday July 5th I experienced an emergency on a visit to my GP Dr Fabian. I was admitted for kidney failure, drop in blood pressure, and other issues. Enroute I had to be revived in the ambulance. I was placed unconscious in the intensive care unit of UHL for a week and then moved to the high dependency unit. In short, I have a long ways to go to restore my health.
I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their prayers, messages, and support. As many of you know, I have been blessed with energy and health. I ask you not to take your health for granted, cherish the small things and offer hope to another.
I am going to be in hospital for some time as I’ll require surgery, but rest assured you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. St Paul reminds us of strength in weakness so I trust in the goodness of God for you and yours.
Finally I wish to thank my colleagues Brendan, Francis, and James. To Ann and Dr. Fabian Akamnonu, the parish staff and sacristans, and anyone who in anyway has offered love, and support.
May God bless you for your thoughts, prayers, and kindness.
Prayer for Healing for Fr. Arnie, Pope Francis (recovering from surgery) and all who are sick in our Parish:
Almighty God, You are the only source of health and healing.
In You there is calm, and the only true peace in the universe. Grant to each one of us your children an awareness of your presence, and give us perfect confidence in you. In all pain and weariness and anxiety, teach us to yield ourselves to your never-failing care, knowing that your love and power surround us, trusting in your wisdom and providence to give us health and strength and peace when your time is best; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.