In light of the government announcement to move to Phase 3 of restrictions, please note the following parish arrangements;
-The Church’s remain OPEN for prayer. We encourage parishioners to visit the Church for spiritual nourishment and support, which is important at this time. While the routine of attending Mass is on hold, do continue to visit your Church.
– All Masses will be broadcast on our parish Facebook live feed and webcam, in addition to video reflections and moments for prayer posted on our Shannon Parish App. All Masses booked for the next 3 weeks will be celebrated. If a family wish to reschedule an existing booked Mass, you are welcome to contact the parish office.
– The Parish Office remains OPEN.
– All baptisms during this Phase 3 are paused and will be rescheduled at a later date.
– We are delighted to install new candelabra to our Church’s with contain real candles, which you can see from the picture attached.
– The envelopes for the Priests’ Autumn Collection and the November Envelopes will be distributed with the Shannon Diary next week. Extra envelopes are available from the Church’s and Parish Office. You are welcome to drop your donations to the Church’s and Parish Office during these 3 weeks, or use the online donate facility on our website. We thank you for your support.
Online weekday Masses for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week will be 9.30am in Mary Immaculate Church live on www.facebook.com/Shannon.Parish.Killaloe/ and 7pm in SS John and Paul Church.
We take this opportunity to wish you continued safety and protection. Please adhere to the protocols for everyone’s sake, and please God we will come through this time stronger than ever.
God bless you!