Lourdes Novena
A novena in preparation for the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of Prayer for the Sick will take place in the Cathedral Ennis from Saturday 3rd February to Sunday 11th February.
Weekdays at 7.30pm , Saturday 11am and Sunday 11.30am.
Novena prayer cards are available in the Cathedral and Ennis Parish Office .
The Novena can be viewed online on the Ennis Cathedral webcam. .Petitions can be left at the shrine in the Cathedral by Tuesday 6th February , that will be brought to Lourdes by Fr Tom for the feast day and World Day of Prayer for the Sick on Sunday 11th February.
This year our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes direct from Shannon Airport will be from Friday 21st June to Wednesday 26th June and our Autumn Pilgrimage from Monday 30th September to Saturday 5th October.