Next year, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the close relationship we enjoy with Goradiche, Belarus. Throughout those years, parishioners have visited the families and brought with them the generosity of our parishioners. The families of Goradiche have brought many blessings to our Parish and we look forward to continuing the wonderful relationship with them. Down through the years, parishioners have been very generous in their support and on the weekend of Saturday 30th Nov and Sunday 1st December at all Masses we are offering you the opportunity to support the Goradiche Project as we approach 2020, by means of a retiring collection at the door as you leave Mass. The second collection on that weekend will NOT take place. Parishioners who have their tax envelope may put Goradiche on their envelope. We look forward to hearing the personal testimonies of those who have visited Goradiche at all Masses next weekend.