*** Welcome for our friends from Ukraine ***
At our 10am Sunday Mass it was a joy and privilege to welcome some of our friends from Ukraine to Shannon Parish. They wanted our parish to spread the word of thanks for the extraordinary welcome they are receiving. Everyone they met has been so good to them. In the coming week Shannon Parish will be engaging with the Red Cross, and others who are doing great work in assisting and supporting our friends from Ukraine (the new Irish) feel welcome and at home. Many parishioners want to do something practical, and there will be opportunities to do so in the next few weeks. Stay posted to our social media feeds and website for updates. We also have a dedicated group page on our Parish Facebook entitled ‘Friends of Ukraine’ for such updates. Check it out and give it a like or join.
God bless you for your kindness, and God bless the people of Ukraine and peace loving people from Russia. 🙏🕯☘️🇺🇦🇷🇺🇮🇪