This weekend we publish the financial report for 2018. A word of thanks to everyone for your continued support and generosity which enables us to run the Parish in an effective
way. The accounts show a deficit of €11,000 from the previous year’s surplus of €50,000. This is primarily due to a lot of work that took place in both our Churches in the past 12 months. We have a responsibility to maintain our sacred places to the highest order and we thank you for your financial support in this. Your Sunday and Holyday contribution, whether it’s the basket or envelope or tax rebate, enables us to prioritise for different pastoral tasks. The figures do not reflect the many hours of volunteering in many aspects of Parish life by Parishioners. Such commitment is valued and appreciated. A simple thank you to all for your tremendous support. In particular, to the Finance Committee, Ronan Hynds our accountant, the Pastoral Council and all who help out in every way. With every blessing as we prepare to celebrate our National Saint.
Fr. Arnie