Because 2020 has been a year like no other, the Diocese of Killaloe, in collaboration with the Anglican Diocese of Limerick, Killaloe & Ardfert, has decided to hold a Day of Remembrance on November 20th for those who have died in 2020. This Day aims to acknowledging those who have died this year and those who have been bereaved through the death of loved ones. It includes the remembrance of those who have died as a result of the global pandemic, as well as those who have died from other causes during the year. The day will help us to remember our own beloved dead but also acknowledge and pray for those whose passing and mourning has been so cruelly affected by the COVID protocols in hospitals and nursing homes and around funerals.
– A short radio message and blessing from Bishop Fintan and Bishop Kenneth Kearon (Church of Ireland) will mark the beginning of the day’s prayer. (This will also be available on diocesan and parish websites, on Facebook and other social media platforms).
– A Diocese-wide moment of silence and individual prayer at 12 noon to remember the dead and bereaved. The angelus bell will be a reminder of this moment.
– People are invited to light a candle and place it in the window in the evening as an act of remembrance.
What we once have enjoyed we can never lose.
All that we love deeply becomes part of us.
– Helen Keller