Greetings to our Confirmation families! The following are the rescheduled Confirmation dates. We apologise that we couldn’t give more notice, but circumstances were totally outside our control and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Wednesday August 18th – St Senan’s/St John’s at 11am and St Tola’s at 2pm (Both in Mary Immaculate Church)
Thursday August 19th – St Aidan’s at 11am (SS John & Paul Church)
Friday August 20th & Saturday 21st – St Conaire’s at 11am and 2pm (Both days in SS John & Paul Church)
Monday August 23rd – Gael Scoil Donncha Rua – Communion and Confirmation at 11am (SS John & Paul Church)
If for some reason a family is away for holidays, please inform the school or parish office (parish office email: office@shannonparish.ie) with your family name and mobile number and we can reschedule the ceremony for a later date.
Wishing all Confirmation pupils and families every blessing.