Since the Charity Rebate Scheme was introduced, our parish has benefited greatly from the generosity of those who are part of the scheme. We thank you who are part of the scheme, and in light of a number of people who have asked me about the scheme, I take the opportunity to present what the charity rebate is and how it benefits our parish. It’s also an opportune time to do so, in that the new box of envelopes will take effect on the weekend of November 3rd next.
How does the scheme work? Very simply, if you are a PAYE worker or self-employed and donate a total of 250euro (which is about 5euro a week) to all parish collections (Sunday Collection, Priests’ Collection, Second Collections, and Trocaire) over a 1 year period to Shannon Parish, our parish may be in a position to apply to Revenue for a refund of the tax already paid by you. In other words, if you donate a minimum of 250euro per annum to our parish, the benefit to the parish is worth 362.32 euro (based on 31% set by Revenue) at no extra cost to you.
What do you need to do? To participate in the scheme we would need
- You to make contact with the parish office or Fr Arnie.
- Your agreement to start using the Weekly Envelopes which we will provide you with a box of envelopes with a number on it for your weekly donation (new boxes take effect November 3rd), or an annual cheque, standing order or direct debit donation of a minimum of 250euro from which a record of your donation is recorded.
- Your contact and PPS details at the end of 12 month’s donations.
- You will be asked to sign a certificate (a five yearly or annual form) which enables us submit the claim to Revenue.
This is a simple explanation of the scheme. Please be assured that your details will remain confidential at all times. I would encourage you to consider being part of the scheme, as it has proven to be a great source of financial support to our parish over the years. If you would like more details please contact me or the parish office at 061-363243. May God continue to bless you for your generosity and kindness! Fr Arnie