***Wishing You A Good Weekend***
Wishing everyone a safe and good weekend and thank you for your support. It’s great so many tune into our Masses, prayers, and reflections. We encourage everyone to act responsibly at this time.
Our Church’s are open for a visit and prayer and we encourage you to drop in for a visit. The Parish Office remains open and we have in stock a lovely selection of Christmas items (see pictures below).
Your envelope for the Priests’ Autumn Collection and November Holy Souls can be left in the Church and Parish Office, or your might like to support us with the online donate facility on the website.
Masses online will continue at the following times;
Daily – 10am and 7pm
Weekend – Sat 6.30pm and Sun at 10am (John and Paul Church) and Sunday at 11am (Mary Imm Ch).
Do continue to be safe and to look out for each other. God bless you!