With the government announcement to move the celebration of public Masses to online, all Masses from December 26th to January 12th 2021 will be celebrated with no congregation present. Our Church’s WILL REMAIN OPEN for a visit, and private prayer.
All Masses scheduled for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day WILL GO AHEAD and we invite you to join us in person if it’s possible for you to do so. Our Church’s are safe places to visit for Christmas with a great team of stewards, in addition to masks and sanitising as mandatory.
The Online Mass Schedule (broadcast on webcam/Facebook) from Dec 26-Jan 12 is as follows;
Monday to Friday 10am and 7pm
Saturday 6.30pm, Sunday 10am from SS John and Paul Church webcam.
Sunday 11am from Mary Immaculate Church on Facebook.
We are in the process of contacting families who have an anniversary Mass booked during this time. Families with anniversary Masses booked are welcome to call 363243 up to 1pm on Wednesday Dec 23rd to make alternative arrangements.
This is the third lockdown and we encourage everyone to remain strong and resilient. We encourage you to adhere to the safety protocols and to behave responsibly. Do keep an eye out for someone who lives alone.
Christmas will be very different in so many ways, but it’s also a time to reflect on what Christmas really means – ‘The Birth of the Saviour’ who doesn’t appear in gifts and wrapping paper but in a humble stable in Bethlehem.
‘Hodie Christus Natus Est’
(Today Christ is Born)
May God bless you and your family!